Monday, March 31, 2008

Gentlemen, Start Your Engines...

It's the middle of the night. Well, 1:23 am, which is very much the middle of the night for Ryan and I these days. Not so long ago for me, this would have been more like bedtime... but I digress. For the last hour, I've been having contractions about 10 minutes apart. I'm thinking this is early labor, and I'm debating when to wake up my blissfully dead-asleep husband with the news that if things continue in this fashion, we may be getting our March baby after all, right under the wire. I figure this early labor will probably last for quite a while, especially with a first pregnancy, so there's no sense creating two exhausted people instead of just one. He'll be much more use to me later if he's had enough shut-eye! :)

So, to entertain myself (and maybe you too, as a side benefit), I will now attempt to describe these contractions. For the ladies, it's a pretty easy jump. In this stage, they feel like cramps. They hurt more than the light ones you notice but ignore when you're PMSing, but they aren't as bad (YET, obviously) as the ones that have you rummaging for the fetal position and a heating pad. They're like I-definitely-need-4-Advil cramps, but they come in waves instead of just hanging out, tormenting you. I fully expect them to intensify as the night goes on (at least if Wyatt's really gonna make an appearance sometime tomorrow), but for now, they're just uncomfortable and frequent enough to keep me from sleeping.

Needless to say, I am no longer on strike.

The stats: I'm in the wee hours of 2 days past my due date. I'm in early labor, and I think Wyatt's birthday is going to be March 31st! Rock on...


Liz Kuball said...

Yay! I hope he's here even as I type. :)

Shan Kat said...

Not yet! We're still at home, timing contractions. I don't want to go to the hospital until I have to. It's pretty much still considered "early labor" until they get closer together and last longer. So between contractions, I'm just hanging out!

Nanette said...

Ooooooh, wow! So very exciting!!!

Anonymous said...

I called Jeannie this afternoon to check on you and she said she had just recieved the call that you were on your way to the hospital. Yea!!! The phone tree started and now everyone is waiting for the next call. "Baby Wyatt William has arrived" Can't wait!! Hope we can see him on Wednesday night. We will be driving through Bakersfield. Love to everyone, Auntie Karol

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to hear the big news. Congrats!!!