Friday, March 14, 2008

The Days in Between

Well, the milestones I set up for myself have come and gone:

I had my strep B test on Monday and am expecting the results any day now. As I mentioned before, it'd be nice to get a negative result, and I probably will because only about 15-20% of women test positive, but I guess it isn't the end of the world if I need antibiotics during labor. I'd just prefer to avoid it.

Then, yesterday, I had a very nice prenatal massage, complete with uterine acupressure points to help get labor going. I had two somewhat uncomfortable contractions while I was on the massage table, and an increase in the little Braxton-Hicks throughout the day. And while that's encouraging, I seem to feel pretty normal today, so I'm not getting my hopes up. Speaking of... I'm having a Braxton-Hicks right now. Interesting. But I'm still not getting my hopes up.

The Stats: I'm 38 - 38 1/2 weeks along. 1 1/2 - 2 weeks until my due date. The doc said the latest they'd let me go past my later 3/29 due date is 10 days, so I guess the absolute last day I could still be preggo would be 4/8. Let's hope I don't go that long, because then I'd have to be induced, and I really don't want to be induced. So yeah... stay tuned...

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