Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Yesterday, I had yet another prenatal appointment. I'm now 1 1/2 cm dilated and 60% effaced. That's not too bad, especially because the doc said Wyatt's head is sitting really really low. The doc also stripped my membranes, which should help get things going, theoretically, because it's supposed to stimulate dilation and weaken the bag of water. But I've tried a lot things that are supposed to be the magic pill, and so far none of them have worked. So I guess I'm still not holding my breath. Oh, and I forgot to mention that I happily tested negative on the strep B test, so I won't need antibiotics during labor. Sweet. Good news, all of it.

But here's the thing. This whole time, I've been praying to go into labor ASAP. I still want it to happen soon, but it's starting to mess with my head a little bit. Last night, I tossed and turned. My brain would not turn off. Granted, part of the problem is also that my entire body is just achy and fatigued from carrying this million pound belly around. And the only fix for that is delivery. But still, it was the first time I thought, "Man, I might really go into labor tonight". And it freaked me out. I was actually kind of willing the morning to come without any drama. And it did. Did I jinx myself? I hope not. I really do want a March baby. That gives me 5 more days to work with. I can do this. I can do this...

The Stats: I'm 39 1/2 - 40 weeks pregnant. That puts my due date some time between TODAY and Saturday. 0-3 days. The big brick wall of induction hits in 13 days. I think it's time to start taking bets. Ante up, kids.


Anonymous said...

I'm guessing April 1, because this kid is fooling with your head already. ;) But for your sake, I hope he gets here before then!

Nanette said...

Stripping membranes? Was that painful? Or does it sound worse than it actually was?

Shan Kat said...

Liz, I hope you're wrong on April 1, but I wouldn't be surprised, haha...

Nanette, yes, it hurts a little. Not unbearable but definitely uncomfortable. Without going into too much graphic detail, they basically help sepeate the top of the cervix from the amniotic sac.

So yeah...anyway... :)

Shan Kat said...

Um, and "sepeate" is pregnant for "separate".

Anonymous said...

I did the membrane thing and went into labor that night, but not sure it caused it or not. That was with the first one. With the second I let things come as they will and he did! Good luck. You're almost there!!!