The last time I wrote, I was in the early stages of labor. The stages where you can still communicate like a human being and do normal things like sit on a couch with a computer on your lap! Little did I know that it would be thirty-some odd hours later before I would actually meet Wyatt. It turns out, despite all my mind-over-matter will power to the contrary, I would have the kind of long labor they warn first-time moms about. And so, my March baby played the ultimate April Fool's Day joke on me by coming in April! Here are his vital statistics:
Wyatt William Kuhns
Born: 4/1/08 @ 1:34pm
7lbs 6oz, 20 1/2" long
He's a really good looking kid. He looks a lot like his daddy with light brown hair and big blue eyes. We're almost certain they will stay blue because Ryan and I both have blue eyes. Mine are a little greener now, but they didn't change until I was a teenager, so either way... He's also a really mellow little dude. It takes a lot to get him mad enough to really cry. He'll fuss if he's hungry or uncomfortable, but for now at least, it's just enough to get your attention. I think God knew I was going to have kind of a rough recovery physically, so He gave me a baby with a lot of patience. Now, I can't guarantee that he'll stay this way, but hopefully he will be at least long enough for me to get fully mobile again.
Well, I made it through my first blog as a mom without having my son wake up to eat. Pretty stinking impressive. I'm sure there will be more later, but for now, here's some eye candy to tide you over.
So amazingly adorable! Congrats!
Congratulations! Wow, he is really cute, especially for a newborn!
He gets cuter every time I see that picture. :)
He is so cute! Sorry it has taken me nearly a month to check in on you! Congratulations mama! You did it!
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