Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A Good Man

Can I just brag for a second about my husband? Ryan has bent over backwards to help me maintain my sanity through these first three weeks of parenthood. A girl couldn't ask for a better hands-on daddy for her child. Last night, he took the late shift with Wyatt, letting me go to bed early and then giving him a bottle during his midnight feeding so I could get a real block of sleep. (And other than rock hard skipped-a-feeding boobs, it was pure heaven!) I can't even explain the difference in my attitude after a night where I actually got something I used to take for granted: REM sleep. There is an actual sanity difference. My brain is actually functioning in a whole new way today. I didn't even know I could feel this normal.

So, yeah. Nice to meet you. I'm Shannon.

I'll be honest. I have no idea if this is the start of the rest of my life or just a blip on the radar. It's very possible that I'll be a weepy mess again in a day or two. Or maybe, like people keep telling me, things really will get easier and my emotions really will stay stable even when it's hard again. I can't predict how things will go. After all, I certainly didn't predict round 1. But it's nice to recognize myself today. The familiarity is amazingly comforting.

Okay, more pics of my munchkin:

He actually does live places other than his swing, and he does wear clothing other than Naartje, ha ha, but what can I say? He says, "Take my picture, momma. I look fantastic," on days with those two things in common. :) Come to whatever conclusions you want...


Nanette said...

Ryan is Dad of the Year material fo' sho!

And Wyatt, oh-so-cute! :)

Anonymous said...

Really so very cute! Hang in there mama!!