Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Isn't it Ironic...?

Are you now humming the Alanis song? Fabulous. More on my irony in a moment...

First, I heard a new word on the news today: tangentially. I need to work that into a conversation soon.

Okay, where was I? Ah yes, irony. As many of you know, I'm a writer by trade, among other things. I just took on a new project for a couple months or so. It's a pretty small, straight-forward gig. The irony lies in the reason they need me. The woman who usually handles the work they need me for is going on maternity leave for a couple months. Meanwhile, the freelancer taking on the job has a 4 week old baby, and if she (why am I speaking in 3rd person?) were still working in corporate America, she would still be on maternity leave, too.

I actually came close to taking on another project this week, until I reminded myself that my kid deserves as much of my personal attention in the first 6-8 weeks as any other working woman's kid. And in truth, we're in a pretty good place financially right now, so what would be my reasoning for taking on more work? And so I did something I've never done as a freelancer before. I turned down perfectly good work.

Wow. Two blogs in one day about completely different things. I'm clearly a blogging maniac. And I even got a shower today. I feel so productive...

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