It's the middle of the night. Well, 1:23 am, which is very much the middle of the night for Ryan and I these days. Not so long ago for me, this would have been more like bedtime... but I digress. For the last hour, I've been having contractions about 10 minutes apart. I'm thinking this is early labor, and I'm debating when to wake up my blissfully dead-asleep husband with the news that if things continue in this fashion, we may be getting our March baby after all, right under the wire. I figure this early labor will probably last for quite a while, especially with a first pregnancy, so there's no sense creating two exhausted people instead of just one. He'll be much more use to me later if he's had enough shut-eye! :)
So, to entertain myself (and maybe you too, as a side benefit), I will now attempt to describe these contractions. For the ladies, it's a pretty easy jump. In this stage, they feel like cramps. They hurt more than the light ones you notice but ignore when you're PMSing, but they aren't as bad (YET, obviously) as the ones that have you rummaging for the fetal position and a heating pad. They're like I-definitely-need-4-Advil cramps, but they come in waves instead of just hanging out, tormenting you. I fully expect them to intensify as the night goes on (at least if Wyatt's really gonna make an appearance sometime tomorrow), but for now, they're just uncomfortable and frequent enough to keep me from sleeping.
Needless to say, I am no longer on strike.
The stats: I'm in the wee hours of 2 days past my due date. I'm in early labor, and I think Wyatt's birthday is going to be March 31st! Rock on...
Monday, March 31, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Soon-to-be-Momma on Strike
I wonder if I just go on a blog strike, if this child will be stifled by all of my pent-up creative energy and feel the need to exit his comfy belly home. Until now, I've been ramping up. More and more frequent blogs as I sit in waiting for parenthood. (Might as well take advantage of the holding pattern, right?) Perhaps, instead, the key is to out-stubborn the kid. After all, I was frankly flabbergasted to wake up this morning after a rough night of tender, over-stretched skin, mild contractions and whirling thoughts to find I just had another day of waiting in store instead of a midnight dash to the hospital. My 3/29 due date may still be 2 days away, but come on. That's late in this family! (See my blog from a few days ago, "Bonus Points for Promptness".) So this will be my new strategy. No more blogs until I'm a Mom. All I really need is will-power, right? And you know I have that. Just ask my last diet. Oh, wait...
Yeah, you'll probably hear from me again soon, regardless. Doh.
Yeah, you'll probably hear from me again soon, regardless. Doh.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Yesterday, I had yet another prenatal appointment. I'm now 1 1/2 cm dilated and 60% effaced. That's not too bad, especially because the doc said Wyatt's head is sitting really really low. The doc also stripped my membranes, which should help get things going, theoretically, because it's supposed to stimulate dilation and weaken the bag of water. But I've tried a lot things that are supposed to be the magic pill, and so far none of them have worked. So I guess I'm still not holding my breath. Oh, and I forgot to mention that I happily tested negative on the strep B test, so I won't need antibiotics during labor. Sweet. Good news, all of it.
But here's the thing. This whole time, I've been praying to go into labor ASAP. I still want it to happen soon, but it's starting to mess with my head a little bit. Last night, I tossed and turned. My brain would not turn off. Granted, part of the problem is also that my entire body is just achy and fatigued from carrying this million pound belly around. And the only fix for that is delivery. But still, it was the first time I thought, "Man, I might really go into labor tonight". And it freaked me out. I was actually kind of willing the morning to come without any drama. And it did. Did I jinx myself? I hope not. I really do want a March baby. That gives me 5 more days to work with. I can do this. I can do this...
The Stats: I'm 39 1/2 - 40 weeks pregnant. That puts my due date some time between TODAY and Saturday. 0-3 days. The big brick wall of induction hits in 13 days. I think it's time to start taking bets. Ante up, kids.
But here's the thing. This whole time, I've been praying to go into labor ASAP. I still want it to happen soon, but it's starting to mess with my head a little bit. Last night, I tossed and turned. My brain would not turn off. Granted, part of the problem is also that my entire body is just achy and fatigued from carrying this million pound belly around. And the only fix for that is delivery. But still, it was the first time I thought, "Man, I might really go into labor tonight". And it freaked me out. I was actually kind of willing the morning to come without any drama. And it did. Did I jinx myself? I hope not. I really do want a March baby. That gives me 5 more days to work with. I can do this. I can do this...
The Stats: I'm 39 1/2 - 40 weeks pregnant. That puts my due date some time between TODAY and Saturday. 0-3 days. The big brick wall of induction hits in 13 days. I think it's time to start taking bets. Ante up, kids.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Bonus Points for Promptness
Ryan and I are the kind of people who usually arrive places early. We're planners. From having our wedding all figured out months in advance so we could enjoy the day stress-free, to finding out the sex of our baby so we'd have a chance to prepare our lives (and our hearts) for a son, we've been pretty stinkin' good at keeping things simple by planning ahead.
I think someone needs to explain this to Wyatt. He only has a few more days to be early! Come on, buddy. It's in your blood. If you're late, I'm going to have to find some other family member with late genes to blame. Tsk. Tsk.
The Stats: I'm 39 wks and 2 - 5 days preggo, putting my due date in 2-5 days. Let's get this show on the road. I'm not sure how much longer I can handle looking down at my feet and seeing cankles.
I think someone needs to explain this to Wyatt. He only has a few more days to be early! Come on, buddy. It's in your blood. If you're late, I'm going to have to find some other family member with late genes to blame. Tsk. Tsk.
The Stats: I'm 39 wks and 2 - 5 days preggo, putting my due date in 2-5 days. Let's get this show on the road. I'm not sure how much longer I can handle looking down at my feet and seeing cankles.
Friday, March 21, 2008
The Anti-Pamper Pedicure

It goes to show just how selective our memories can be. If you really think about it, how many times have you left a pedicure truly rested? I'm referring to the affordable pedicures of the masses, not the Burke-Williams type experience. I do recognize that you get what you pay for. But, for those of us who can't regularly blow that kind of cash on our feet, pedicures rarely live up to our expectations. Here's a little peek into today's tranquil spa pedicure.
Exhibit A:
Would you like manicure, too?
No, thank you.
Eyebrows? I need fix your eyebrows. Your eyebrows need fix.
I take a look at the line drawings she has for her own eyebrows.
No thank you. I'll take care of my own eyebrows. Just the pedicure, thanks.
Okay, have seat. Here magazine. Feet go there.
There's a television in the corner, just out of earshot. The smallest flat screen known to man, but still, a flat screen. A middle aged man, probably one of the manicurists, flips the channels periodically. Not flip, flip, flip... he leaves it there just long enough for me to get mildly interested in whatever is on, and then, flip, the X-Files. Oh, so spa-like and relaxing. Is that green goo coming from under the door? Yes, Sully. Alien green goo.
You want French manicure?
No, thank you. Just this pink.
Hmmm. You have callous. Bad callous. You need callous remover. I add that.
No, thank you. Just a basic pedicure.
Okay, okay. But paraffin wax, yes? Make feet so soft.
No. Just the basic pedicure. No add-ons.
She then proceeds to file the bottoms of my feet raw. Evidently, this is my punishment for not getting the special callous remover.
Oh, your feet swollen. From baby, eh? Big and puffy.
Yes, they're pretty swollen.
You need extra foot massage. Good for swell.
No, thank you.
She shakes her head disapprovingly and finally begins to paint my toenails. The television is now tuned into Judge Joe Brown. My bliss is almost complete.
You want flower?
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Single Digits
I dreamed last night that Wyatt was here. He was just a tiny bundle of cuteness, and I didn't want to put him down, even though my arm was sore from holding him so long and Ryan volunteered to carry him in his car seat for me. In reality, that was just the side I was sleeping on, of course, and my arm really was sore, but our little dude is still safely tucked away inside his Momma, waiting on his mysterious perfect timing. In the end, he's picking his birthday, not me.
Some interesting phenomena happen in the days surrounding your due date.:
First, you feel weird calling anyone, because when they see it's from you, they'll stop everything (regardless of what they're in the middle of) to take it, just in case you're in labor. So if you're just calling to chat, you've caused quite a stir!
Second, your friends and family all start putting in requests for when you should go into labor based on their own schedules. And of course we all know I have no control over it anyway, but I know there's this little something in their minds that thinks maybe if they just put it out there, Wyatt will go along with their request. It's sweet, in a way, because they'd all like to be a part of the big day and I totally appreciate that. But if I'm not careful, it can stress me out a little, too. A nice little reminder of how little control I have over it all!
Lastly, you inevitably end up psyching yourself out. Every contraction could be the first in a pattern this time. Every time you get out of bed to pee, you half expect your water to break as your rapidly change positions. Last night, I found myself pacing the hallway in the middle of the night, hoping the next step would be the one that kicked things into gear. Isn't it strange how even though a pregnant woman knows that labor and delivery are gonna be painful and messy and exhausting, she still begs for it to come now, now, now? I never understood that until I got to this point. But here I am, willing the pain to start. Go figure.
The stats: I'm 38 1/2 - 39 weeks pregnant. Even according to my original 3/29 due date, we're in the single digits now. 9 days. And there are only 6 days until the 3/26 due date. And, of course, there are 19 days until I get to the magical day where I'm 10 days past my due date and the doc says enough is enough. But of course, if it's up to me, I have absolutely no intention of getting to that day still pregnant!
Some interesting phenomena happen in the days surrounding your due date.:
First, you feel weird calling anyone, because when they see it's from you, they'll stop everything (regardless of what they're in the middle of) to take it, just in case you're in labor. So if you're just calling to chat, you've caused quite a stir!
Second, your friends and family all start putting in requests for when you should go into labor based on their own schedules. And of course we all know I have no control over it anyway, but I know there's this little something in their minds that thinks maybe if they just put it out there, Wyatt will go along with their request. It's sweet, in a way, because they'd all like to be a part of the big day and I totally appreciate that. But if I'm not careful, it can stress me out a little, too. A nice little reminder of how little control I have over it all!
Lastly, you inevitably end up psyching yourself out. Every contraction could be the first in a pattern this time. Every time you get out of bed to pee, you half expect your water to break as your rapidly change positions. Last night, I found myself pacing the hallway in the middle of the night, hoping the next step would be the one that kicked things into gear. Isn't it strange how even though a pregnant woman knows that labor and delivery are gonna be painful and messy and exhausting, she still begs for it to come now, now, now? I never understood that until I got to this point. But here I am, willing the pain to start. Go figure.
The stats: I'm 38 1/2 - 39 weeks pregnant. Even according to my original 3/29 due date, we're in the single digits now. 9 days. And there are only 6 days until the 3/26 due date. And, of course, there are 19 days until I get to the magical day where I'm 10 days past my due date and the doc says enough is enough. But of course, if it's up to me, I have absolutely no intention of getting to that day still pregnant!
Monday, March 17, 2008
St. Patrick's Day Hijinks, and Amish Babies!

Every night, Ryan and I read from a pregnancy journal we got when we found out we had a baby coming back in July. We usually read it the night before the day it represents, so last night it said 12 days (referring, of course, to the time left to the original 3/29 due date). Is it just me, or is that a ridiculously short amount of time? Counting in weeks has been one thing, but now we're in days. And while I realize that I could easily go past my due date (please no!), he's coming really soon either way.
While I'm blogging, I feel like I should mention something about the book I'm reading right now. You may laugh at me or shake your head in dismay, but I'm reading a book called To Train Up a Child. It's a book about raising children based on a lot of the principles that the author observed in the Amish culture. And while I'm obviously more of a tattooed city girl at heart than an Amish mother, I do think there's something to be said for well-behaved children. And the Amish are known for their well-behaved children despite the fact that they don't scream and yell, and rarely need to use harsh punishments. That's pretty impressive. And so, I'm reading the book. It's actually really interesting. The very basic premise is that a well-trained (disciplined) child rarely needs punishment (which the author shows is not the same thing). So the key is early training, and obviously, consistency. And I'll be honest. There is a method to my obsession with well-disciplined children that goes way beyond the views of the Amish. I've found that children who haven't been well-disciplined spend more time unhappy (whining and tantrums and unnecessary boo boos from doing unsafe things aren't fun for them, either), and their parents very quickly lose their social lives. Because let's face it: how much time do you want to spend with people when their children are terrors? It's like a one-way ticket to family hermitdome. (Let's pretend that's a word.) That's something this tattooed city girl thinks is completely unnecessary, and that's why I'm hoping I'll be able to apply some good old fashioned Amish training to an otherwise modern and social family.
Anyway, here are the stats: I'm somewhere between 38wk 2d and 38wk 5d pregnant. That puts me at 9-12 days until my due date. And the longest we'll have to wait will be 22 days. Please send up a prayer that it'll be sooner rather than later. I'm really ready to be done with this pregnancy thing for a while!

Croi follain agus gob fliuch!
(A healthy heart and a wet mouth!)Friday, March 14, 2008
The Days in Between
Well, the milestones I set up for myself have come and gone:
I had my strep B test on Monday and am expecting the results any day now. As I mentioned before, it'd be nice to get a negative result, and I probably will because only about 15-20% of women test positive, but I guess it isn't the end of the world if I need antibiotics during labor. I'd just prefer to avoid it.
Then, yesterday, I had a very nice prenatal massage, complete with uterine acupressure points to help get labor going. I had two somewhat uncomfortable contractions while I was on the massage table, and an increase in the little Braxton-Hicks throughout the day. And while that's encouraging, I seem to feel pretty normal today, so I'm not getting my hopes up. Speaking of... I'm having a Braxton-Hicks right now. Interesting. But I'm still not getting my hopes up.
The Stats: I'm 38 - 38 1/2 weeks along. 1 1/2 - 2 weeks until my due date. The doc said the latest they'd let me go past my later 3/29 due date is 10 days, so I guess the absolute last day I could still be preggo would be 4/8. Let's hope I don't go that long, because then I'd have to be induced, and I really don't want to be induced. So yeah... stay tuned...
I had my strep B test on Monday and am expecting the results any day now. As I mentioned before, it'd be nice to get a negative result, and I probably will because only about 15-20% of women test positive, but I guess it isn't the end of the world if I need antibiotics during labor. I'd just prefer to avoid it.
Then, yesterday, I had a very nice prenatal massage, complete with uterine acupressure points to help get labor going. I had two somewhat uncomfortable contractions while I was on the massage table, and an increase in the little Braxton-Hicks throughout the day. And while that's encouraging, I seem to feel pretty normal today, so I'm not getting my hopes up. Speaking of... I'm having a Braxton-Hicks right now. Interesting. But I'm still not getting my hopes up.
The Stats: I'm 38 - 38 1/2 weeks along. 1 1/2 - 2 weeks until my due date. The doc said the latest they'd let me go past my later 3/29 due date is 10 days, so I guess the absolute last day I could still be preggo would be 4/8. Let's hope I don't go that long, because then I'd have to be induced, and I really don't want to be induced. So yeah... stay tuned...
Monday, March 10, 2008
A Day in the Calm
Knowing this kid is coming soon, I think Ryan and I have realized we need to spend some time together before the big day. We had a pretty stinkin' great Sunday. It started with sleeping in. And you know that'll be a rare treat after Wyatt arrives. We vegged out together for the first part of the morning and then met Ryan's mom and dad at the country club for brunch. I had a nice healthy meal... but then I went back and got a waffle. Oops. :) It was heavenly. And we ate outside on the balcony, because the weather was just too perfect. After that, Ryan and I went golfing with his parents. I forgot how fun it is to drive a golf cart. Naturally, I wasn't attempting to swing a club around this ballooning belly, but the weather was so nice, and the golf course was so pretty... I wasn't the least bit bored as a spectator. We just did 9 holes, and then Ryan and I went to the movies. The movies. Another little something I'm sure will be a rare activity once we have a little one. We saw Semi-Pro. It was funny, but also kind of slow. Not Will Ferrell's best, in my opinion. But still, it was a big screen and a quiet theater. I figure I should cherish it, haha. We then picked up dinner and went home to relax a little more before bedtime.
Ah, a content sigh. This is the calm. The storm can't be far behind...
Same day update: I went to my prenantal appointment today. I'm only about 1/2 cm dilated and 60% effaced. So, yeah... like I said in my previous blog, it feels further away than ever...
Ah, a content sigh. This is the calm. The storm can't be far behind...
Same day update: I went to my prenantal appointment today. I'm only about 1/2 cm dilated and 60% effaced. So, yeah... like I said in my previous blog, it feels further away than ever...
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Full Term (in Reverse)
Today, according to the furthest-off (and first) due date I've been given (3/29), I'm 37 weeks pregnant. That makes me full term. This is also the first weekend I haven't had plans in 6 weeks. In fact, I don't have anything on my calendar for the last 3 weekends leading up to my due date. I think that's part of the reason why I'm ready for this little guy to make his appearance. I had things going on all through the 3rd trimester that made the weeks fly, and now it's like I'm in a holding pattern. I've just blocked off a bunch of time and said "land here". And it's strange, because the closer I get to the due date, the further away it feels... like somehow I'm actually going backwards. Meanwhile, I think Ryan expects me to go into labor any minute now. Ah, the mystery of perceptions...
Big blingy diamond update: My fake ring lasted a week before turning my finger green. Way to go, Target. Jeez. So I think I'm just gonna go ringless until I pop this kid out. It was a nice idea, but clearly my real ring is the only ring for me. No cheap replacements for this married gal. (Insert sappy romantic sigh.)
Big blingy diamond update: My fake ring lasted a week before turning my finger green. Way to go, Target. Jeez. So I think I'm just gonna go ringless until I pop this kid out. It was a nice idea, but clearly my real ring is the only ring for me. No cheap replacements for this married gal. (Insert sappy romantic sigh.)
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Nested and Ready
Ready for a play-by-play on the last few days? I've been checking things off my list like crazy, and I think it's pretty safe to say I'm ready for this little munchkin to make his debut.
There are only two events that it might be nice to get to before he comes. But, they definitely aren't a must. The first is hopefully a negative on the Strep B test. That's on Monday. I'd like to avoid antibiotics during labor if at all possible. The second thing is my prenatal massage. I mean, who wants to miss a massage? That's on the 13th, and as I've mentioned before, my massage therapist is going to hit specific pressure points to help get labor started. I don't know how effective it will be, but I think a massage is a pretty stinkin' nice way to get the ball rolling!
Okay, now for the last few days... Saturday was my family/local baby shower. It was fun to get so many people together, and our friends and family spoiled Wyatt rotten, ha ha. Good stuff. The day after the shower, once we knew where we stood in the gear department, we went to Babies R Us and pretty much bought out the rest of our registry. We left the stuff for older babies, but made sure we had everything we'd need for a newborn. It feels really good to know we're prepared. I also did a bunch of laundry and put away all the cute (and a couple not so cute, haha) outfits away in his drawers and closet. Feathering the nest, I suppose.
Yesterday, I made my last little pre-baby road trip. I drove down to LA to spend the day with Talitha (and baby Riley!) and have lunch with Andrea. It was great to spend time with my friends and enjoy a day of independence, knowing that the next time I go down to see them, I'll have a little one in tow. Talitha will be my doula for the birth, so the next time I see her will probably be when Wyatt comes! And it'll depend on Andrea's work schedule if that's when I see her, or if it's later. It's kind of surreal to think about.
The stats: I'm 36 1/2 - 37 weeks pregnant. That leaves 3 - 3 1/2 weeks until my due date. We're in the realm of "full term" now, so we're ready. Wyatt William Kuhns, come on down!
There are only two events that it might be nice to get to before he comes. But, they definitely aren't a must. The first is hopefully a negative on the Strep B test. That's on Monday. I'd like to avoid antibiotics during labor if at all possible. The second thing is my prenatal massage. I mean, who wants to miss a massage? That's on the 13th, and as I've mentioned before, my massage therapist is going to hit specific pressure points to help get labor started. I don't know how effective it will be, but I think a massage is a pretty stinkin' nice way to get the ball rolling!
Okay, now for the last few days... Saturday was my family/local baby shower. It was fun to get so many people together, and our friends and family spoiled Wyatt rotten, ha ha. Good stuff. The day after the shower, once we knew where we stood in the gear department, we went to Babies R Us and pretty much bought out the rest of our registry. We left the stuff for older babies, but made sure we had everything we'd need for a newborn. It feels really good to know we're prepared. I also did a bunch of laundry and put away all the cute (and a couple not so cute, haha) outfits away in his drawers and closet. Feathering the nest, I suppose.
Yesterday, I made my last little pre-baby road trip. I drove down to LA to spend the day with Talitha (and baby Riley!) and have lunch with Andrea. It was great to spend time with my friends and enjoy a day of independence, knowing that the next time I go down to see them, I'll have a little one in tow. Talitha will be my doula for the birth, so the next time I see her will probably be when Wyatt comes! And it'll depend on Andrea's work schedule if that's when I see her, or if it's later. It's kind of surreal to think about.
The stats: I'm 36 1/2 - 37 weeks pregnant. That leaves 3 - 3 1/2 weeks until my due date. We're in the realm of "full term" now, so we're ready. Wyatt William Kuhns, come on down!
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