Friday, February 29, 2008

Leap Year, Childbirth Class 5 and Great Big Diamond Rings

Once every 4 years, we actually have a February 29th. Enjoy it, people. This day won't come again until 2012. And a special Happy Birthday to Liberty, who gets to celebrate her big day on her actual birthday this year! Rock on with your bad self, leap year.

Last night was our final childbirth class. We noticed at least two of the couples were not there, suggesting, I assume, that they'd already had the real graduation: the baby. Crazy. We primarily covered all the postpartum stuff, and had a quick review of the labor process. And with that, we were done. No more classes. Just waiting for the test...

As we enter the last few weeks, I've had some very slight swelling in my hands. Well, this morning my wedding ring wouldn't fit. So I put it on the chain around my neck. When Ryan came home and picked me up for lunch, he decided it was time to buy me a fake ring in a bigger size. It's pretty big and blingy, ha ha, but it's nice to wear a ring that fits. :)

yeah, that's all I got.

1 comment:

fruitlady said...

That is so fun and romantic!!