Yesterday, Ryan and I celebrated our first wedding anniversary. It's seriously hard to believe it has already been a year since our wedding. (Although my ridiculously large belly suggests otherwise. This is certainly not the body I had a year ago.) Intuitively, I'd say we've been married for about four or five months. But then I think about everything that's happened in the last twelve months, and I obviously reevaluate. We bought a new house, found renters for our old house, got pregnant and got a "family" car (a Yukon). That's kind of a lot of changes in a small amount of time! Ha ha, did you see how a year went from a long time to hardly any time at all there? Yeah... trippy. Anyway, we had a very nice anniversary. Very low key, but lovely. Maybe one of these years, when I'm not with child, we'll do a big trip or something. This year, however, low key was perfect.
Tomorrow night, I have yet another class related to becoming a new mom. It's a breastfeeding class. I clearly have no experience in this department, but I know it's a lot trickier for new moms to master than many of them expect. I figure I should probably educate myself in order to avoid too much frustration. I like to think it'll come naturally to me, but then again, I like to tell myself labor will be a simple process, too. So I'm clearly already delusional. 

Today I'm 34 weeks and 2 days pregnant. That puts my (furthest away) due date in 5 weeks and 5 days. In my childbirth class, the instructor stresses that a first baby usually comes between 40 and 42 weeks. But since we've already established that I'm delusional, I'm gonna claim 38 weeks. So expect Wyatt in around 3 1/2 weeks. I realize that mind over matter did nothing for me during the first trimester when I was sick and exhausted, and it hasn't done a thing to prevent stretch marks, leg cramps, or back aches. But this is different. I swear. :)
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