Friday, February 29, 2008
Leap Year, Childbirth Class 5 and Great Big Diamond Rings
Last night was our final childbirth class. We noticed at least two of the couples were not there, suggesting, I assume, that they'd already had the real graduation: the baby. Crazy. We primarily covered all the postpartum stuff, and had a quick review of the labor process. And with that, we were done. No more classes. Just waiting for the test...
As we enter the last few weeks, I've had some very slight swelling in my hands. Well, this morning my wedding ring wouldn't fit. So I put it on the chain around my neck. When Ryan came home and picked me up for lunch, he decided it was time to buy me a fake ring in a bigger size. It's pretty big and blingy, ha ha, but it's nice to wear a ring that fits. :)
yeah, that's all I got.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Playing Footsie
We have a full week and weekend ahead. Tonight, Ryan is taking a tactical firearms course with his dad. This is a hobby I wasn't particularly familiar with until I moved to Bakersfield. But what can I say? My husband digs special forces skills. At least I feel profoundly protected. :) Tomorrow night is our last childbirth class. I can't believe those classes are ending. I feel a little like I'm graduating from Pregnancy U. Then, Saturday is the local/family baby shower. As I mentioned in my last blog, I really can't wait for that! But we have a lot of family coming in from out of town, so it'll make for a full weekend, not just a couple hours at a shower.
It's nice to have a lot on our plates. It makes the time go faster, which is becoming one of my main priorities as I get a little more uncomfortable every day. :) It's really not miserable, exactly; it's just a little annoying. I'm reminded a little more every day of things I miss, like certain sleep positions, a refreshing alcoholic beverage and sushi. Knowing they're just around the corner makes me want them more!
The stats: I'm 35 1/2 - 36 weeks pregnant. Wyatt's due date is 4 - 4 1/2 weeks away. My dream would be to have him in 2 - 2 1/2 weeks, haha. And since I totally have control over that, I'm sure it'll go exactly as planned. (Insert naive 4-year-old grin here.)
Monday, February 25, 2008
Gettin' Dolled Up

Friday, February 22, 2008
Childbirth Class 4: The Tour
Hmmm, what to say about the tour... The labor rooms are big. They're pretty nice for hospital rooms, but you know, it's still a hospital. :) The recovery rooms are tiny, but I guess that's the case at most hospitals. I'm hoping to spend a minimum amount of time there anyway. I feel more comfortable being familiar with the place, but it also has my head spinning!
So, that's it. Nothing all that interesting today. Still, I'd gotten all worked up about going to do the hospital tour, so I figured I'd better at least mention it in my blog. And so, here it is. Peace out.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Bellies, Boobies and Toes.
Let's start with the appointment, shall we? My blood pressure remains low, so no signs of preeclampsia. My uterus (belly) is measuring right on target. Wyatt's heartbeat is strong and steady as always. The baby's head is down. He's locked and loaded for final approach. At my next appointment, I'll get tested for Group B strep. (I'm crossing my fingers it comes back negative, because I really don't want to have to have antibiotics during labor, due to the increased possibility of later problems like thrush.) I'll also have my first pelvic exam since my first trimester. The doc will check my cervix for changes like dilation and effacement. That's pretty crazy to think about. I keep calling this the home stretch, but DANG, that's the home stretch...
And now on to the breastfeeding class. It was actually part one of a two part class, which I didn't know going in. This class was called "Getting Started". It was actually really informative and answered a lot of questions I didn't really know I had. So, while I certainly don't claim to be an expert now, I do feel comfortable that I'll have a better experience than I would have otherwise. So, you know, there's that. It is pretty comical how many classes I've been taking in order to prepare for this kid! I was talking to my grandmama on the phone yesterday about it, and she's pretty amused. When she was having her babies, she just had her mom and grandma there for a month to train her in everything she needed to know. But these are different times. Support networks work differently, so I guess we have to educate ourselves differently.
Lastly, let's talk toes. I have long, thin toes. I've always liked my
The stats: I'm 34 1/2 - 35 weeks preggo, depending on the source. 5 - 5 1/2 weeks until the infamous due date. Bring it on. I'm ready for other parts of my body to match my toes again...
Monday, February 18, 2008
A Year in the Life...

Today I'm 34 weeks and 2 days pregnant. That puts my (furthest away) due date in 5 weeks and 5 days. In my childbirth class, the instructor stresses that a first baby usually comes between 40 and 42 weeks. But since we've already established that I'm delusional, I'm gonna claim 38 weeks. So expect Wyatt in around 3 1/2 weeks. I realize that mind over matter did nothing for me during the first trimester when I was sick and exhausted, and it hasn't done a thing to prevent stretch marks, leg cramps, or back aches. But this is different. I swear. :)
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
The Basics. (Because it's that cut and dry.)

It's funny. You can take classes to learn the mechanics of caring for a new baby, but that's not the same thing as learning how to be a parent. That's the more ambiguous part. I used to laugh when people would say, "Babies need to come with an instruction manual." After all, aren't these classes and all those books like What to Expect the First Year exactly that? Oh, but as the idea of a baby coming into our home gets closer and closer to reality, I'm gaining a little more perspective on what that means. The classes and books can't teach you responsibility, or how to love no matter what. Childcare? Absolutely. Parenthood? No.

Today I'm 33 1/2 weeks pregnant (or 34 weeks based the last two ultrasounds). 6 - 6 1/2 weeks until our due date. Tick, tick, tick.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Changing Formats
On another topic (kind of), I got my first prenatal massage today. Heaven. Pure heaven. And Lorre, my massage therapist, told me she knows the right pressure points for getting labor started. So I scheduled another massage for 2 weeks before my due date. :) I have every intention of requesting that she hit those pressure points! By 38 weeks, I'll be ready, and so will Wyatt.
Lastly, Ryan and I are going to a George Strait concert up in Fresno tonight. I think it'll be fun. He's just one of those musicians who can put on a great show. I know a lot of you aren't country fans, but even then, you'd probably enjoy it. He's kind of a cultural icon, ya know?
Well, I guess that's all for now. I'm also going to my great aunt Joan's memorial service tomorrow morning. But that's more of a sad topic, so I don't think I'll say much about that.
I'll be 32 weeks pregnant tomorrow. Wow.