8 weeks 4 days
Today, we had an ultrasound of the little bug. It was rad. Not because there was anything extraordinary about the experience, but because even an ordinary ultrasound is just about the coolest thing ever. It's a window into a life that's being knit together in a woman's womb. I mean, honestly, the experience is pretty amazing. I'm looking at that teeny grape-sized person, with a strong heartbeat, all its tiny organs, and it's arms and legs wiggling away, and I am in awe. The little ultrasound picture doesn't do it justice, because you can't see the movement and pumping of the tiny heart. It's mesmerizing. I see this little person, and I love it. And I can't
wait to find out if it's a boy or or a girl, so I can stop referring to my child as "it". :)
In other news, I have another little miracle right in front of me. Man, my son is cool. I'm glad I didn't give up and run for the hills when he was a non-sleeping, colicky newborn

with reflux. Ha ha. None of those challenges stuck around, but the kid sure did. Every evening, Ryan and I find ourselves having the same conversation. "Man, that kid is getting fun." At 21 months, Wyatt is a mimic. He's still hard to understand, because while he knows lots of words, he has his own pronunciations and he fills in the blanks with gibberish. He makes almost everything into a game. He is imaginative, and silly and has ridiculously well-developed fine motor skills. He is still very tall for his age, and he runs full-tilt from point A to point B. Why walk, when you can run? I'm glad he's so charming. I'll have to remind myself of it over and over again when we have a newborn in the house with less, um, personality.
Yep. It's a good day. My morning sickness stuff has lightened up considerably after a few rough weeks. I still get queasy. Heck, I still toss my cookies from time to time. But it's a few waves of nausea instead of entire days of it. It's better. It's getting there.
I am with you- I hate calling my baby "it"! So glad we know it is a boy now and can use "him" or "he" instead. Glad you are feeling better.
I remember my ultrasound at 10 weeks with Calista. Ultrasounds have come a long way in the last 11 years! The picture is so crisp compared to ultrasounds of a decade ago! A decade ago we could make out her heartbeat and a lima-bean shape. So, for the next 10-weeks, until we found out she was a girl, she was known as "Lima Bean" or LB for short.
I love hearing stories of your Little Monkey. Each stage of development is a miracle - even the moody pre-teen years I find myself navigating now. The very fact that we have the ability to form a child in our womb is a miraculous act of God.
You have a beautiful family. I love having little glimpses into it. :) Enjoy your second trimester. The movement of your second child. I so miss that. And just think - Your little Monkey will be able to put his hand on your tummy and feel his little brother or sister kicking a hello to him!
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