Monday, January 4, 2010

Nesting, Phase 1

8 weeks 2 days

We interrupt this whine and moan fest for a message from our sponsors. This pregnancy is brought to you by HGTV. And TLC. And Discovery Health. And the Food Network. Yeah, it's weird. The moment all those heightened levels of HCG and Progesterone hit my blood stream, I find myself pulled to cable television channels with themes about house & home & health. Without fail, shows like "Divine Design" and "A Baby Story" find their way back into my boob tube queue. It's almost like nesting comes early, and only in theoretical watch-it-don't-do-it form. I watch cooking shows but don't try to cook the food. I watch home makeovers and don't change a thing about my own abode. I fixate on high risk deliveries all the while praying for simple and low risk.

Not really sure what the deal is. I just know it happens. After the new bug makes his or her appearance, I'll lose interest in most of these shows and channels. I'll go back to watching the news, catching prime time dramas, and praying for other things, like SLEEP.


emily said...

oh, i'm sorry. divine design is amazing. candace olsen is a goddess.

Shan Kat said...

Divine Design really is the upper echelon of home makeover shows. I record them. Sometimes I just FF to the reveal. Always gorgeous.