And now for the crazy news. It looks like Ryan, Wyatt and I are moving to Boise,
Idaho. Wait, what? Huh? I know. Like I said, it's crazy news. It's something we've been talking about for a while, but we wanted to be sure it was the right decision before we let too many people know about it. I won't get into too many details, but this could be a huge opportunity for Ryan's company, and a smart move for Wyatt. The schools are great. The shopping is surprisingly good. The health care system up there is great. The cost of living is really low, too. There are four seasons, but they're mild enough not to scare this California girl away... etc. I know, it's a sales pitch. Can you blame me for hoping I can lure some of my friends up there, too? :) And I guess, technically, it' not in stone yet. Ryan and I are flying up there the weekend after next so I can get a feel for the place and make sure it's somewhere I could call home. I've been there before, but never as a prospective resident, so I need to see it with new eyes. It's going to be kind of strange to live in a different state. Beyond some short stints as an exchange student in Germany and in Australia, I've never lived anywhere except California. And now a quote for my friend Jade: "We're in YOUdaho!"