Monday, October 13, 2008

Sit Up Straight!

A month after my last post, it has finally occurred to me that perhaps I should write again. You'd think I didn't find my life interesting enough for public consumption or something.... jeez.

So, anyway. Wyatt is sitting up on his own now! He just started doing it, without immediately falling over, today! I think it was the incentive of getting to beat up a toy football, as is illustrated in the picture. :) I'm hoping maybe this will also mean he'll stop spitting up soon, spitty little bugger that he is, but I'm not holding my breath. I think I may have a son who spits up until well into high school, ha ha. He's still working on the whole crawling thing. Not quite there, but very much on his way. And no, we still haven't baby proofed our house. Yeah... we really need to get around to that soon.

Let's see, what else? I just finished reading all four books in the Twilight saga. I'm embarrassed to even say it, because until I read them, I thought they were just obsessive teen books... about as tempting to me as the Jonas Brothers. But then, you know, I read them. I blame Andrea, who convinced me that they're as fun for adults as teens. :) And it turns out she was right; they're really good! And now every time I start a new book, I'm bored after a few pages. Nothing is entertaining me! Help! If any of you have some good ideas for books that are super entertaining and fun, I'm all ears. I was digging the reading thing so much, and now I'm ruined for most of the books I had on my "to read" list. For now, the good news is that I'm back to working on a book I started writing in grad school. My goal is to write a book that entertains me as much as those did. If you can't find one, write one, right?
I guess that's about it. Have a great October!

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