Wednesday, September 17, 2008

That Bites

Wyatt has a tooth. Oh yes, after two months of sore gums, runny noses and pain relievers, my son's first tooth has finally broken through... or at least a corner of it has. So, um, how long do you think the other corner is gonna take to make its appearance? And does the first tooth prep the gums for the other 20 or so teeth that still need to arrive? I'm feeling.... underwhelmed. Poor kid. No wonder kids start to get a little grumpy and bratty in their "terrible twos". They're just finally fed up with the whole teething process! Or, um... something like that.

Oh, and there's more. Wyatt has a new sound. He has learned to shriek like a girl. It's cute, because he's squeaking with glee... but you know... it's also loud. Very loud. And it can be hard to decipher from his other shriek... the one where he's crying in misery. Glee, misery... same difference? Hmmmm.
The third Wyatt tidbit involves mobility. Our boy is on the brink of crawling. He gets his butt up in the air and sort of scoots forward accidentally. It's not quite deliberate mobility, but it's definitely shaking up his world a little bit as he stumbles upon the ability to get to some of his toys. You think maybe we should start baby proofing our house? Yeah, maybe...

Short and sweet. It's a cliché. It's also the perfect description of this blog, so you'll have to deal. Bye!

1 comment:

Nanette said...

I can practically hear his squeals of delight!!!