Wyatt is 15 months old now. Hard to believe. He runs. He climb

Hard right. Next week, we're going camping. But before you get a picture of tents and cooking over an open flame in your head, you should go back and read my "camping" blog from a year ago. Just so we're clear, I'm a spoiled brat in that arena. I grew up going to a beautiful cabin in the Sierras with all the comforts of home. I don't think making life harder and less comfortable on purpose constitutes a vacation. But I think this trip will be a lot of fun. To start, we're going to be camping in Peteluma right on the Russian River. That means wineries and civilization are nearby. Did I mention wineries? Yes, wineries. Also, our friends Travis and Amber are loaning us their motor home for the trip. It's a really nice one, so we'll be far from roughing it. And lastly, our son will be a 15 month old on this trip instead of a 4 month old like he was on the last one. I won't be nursing, something I did not enjoy despite all my attempts to be a good little earth mother, and I won't be trying to decipher different kinds of cries from a squirming blob. Yes, I like having a toddler better than I liked having a baby, even with the occasional tantrums and him getting into everything. Because even with all that frustrating work, I still feel a lot more fulfilled parenting a little person than simply keeping a little blob alive. I know. I know. Everyone has their own opinions on that. But for me, when we have another one, I could just skip to him/her being about a year old, I'd be a happy camper. (Bada bing. Hope you pun-lovers enjoyed that one.)

I'm sure there's more. There has to be, because this is my first blog in like 3 months. But I don't have the energy to tell you about it right now, and you could probably do without several more paragraphs. So, stay tuned. Maybe I'll do a little better at keeping this sucker up to date now. Maybe I won't. :-)~
1 comment:
Loving the first pic! :)
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