Friday, July 3, 2009

Living on the Surface of the Sun

It's summertime in Bakersfield. This is the time of year when I question the wisdom of moving away from the gorgeous coastal climate of Marina del Rey to oven-baked Bakersfield for love. Then Fall comes along and I forget all about the miseries of summer. I assume this phenomenon is no different than living in the Midwest or Northeast in the winters, though. No one can tell me subzero temperatures are a party. It's the same deal. You stay inside more. You take advantage of artificial climate control. You grit your teeth and bear it because you know it's just a couple uncomfortable months, and it'll be over soon. And there's a reason such a huge percentage of the population of the country live in places that don't have perfect weather all year long. Those places are frickin' expensive! So we sacrifice a couple months of yucky weather for home ownership, low-stress commutes, and some expendable income to visit those perfect climates on demand. I think it's actually a pretty good deal. I just have to give myself the sales pitch a little more frequently when the temps jump past 100 degrees... :)

Wyatt is 15 months old now. Hard to believe. He runs. He climbs. He dances. He speaks Wyattese peppered with English here and there. (His favorite word is "Daddie", which sounds like "Daddy" but actually means "Sadie", our dog. Ha!) He has a sense of humor and plays pretend and has very strong opinions about all sorts of things which show in his myriad of facial expressions. I keep flashing back to the tiny bundle of a being he used to be. I keep remembering how we'd grasp at straws to assign personality to little instinctual baby behaviors. And now here he is, projecting his personality so boldly, there's no mistaking it. He's stubborn and goofy and stubborn and mellow and stubborn and loving and STUBBORN. Tons of fun and frustrating to the core, all at the same time!

Hard right. Next week, we're going camping. But before you get a picture of tents and cooking over an open flame in your head, you should go back and read my "camping" blog from a year ago. Just so we're clear, I'm a spoiled brat in that arena. I grew up going to a beautiful cabin in the Sierras with all the comforts of home. I don't think making life harder and less comfortable on purpose constitutes a vacation. But I think this trip will be a lot of fun. To start, we're going to be camping in Peteluma right on the Russian River. That means wineries and civilization are nearby. Did I mention wineries? Yes, wineries. Also, our friends Travis and Amber are loaning us their motor home for the trip. It's a really nice one, so we'll be far from roughing it. And lastly, our son will be a 15 month old on this trip instead of a 4 month old like he was on the last one. I won't be nursing, something I did not enjoy despite all my attempts to be a good little earth mother, and I won't be trying to decipher different kinds of cries from a squirming blob. Yes, I like having a toddler better than I liked having a baby, even with the occasional tantrums and him getting into everything. Because even with all that frustrating work, I still feel a lot more fulfilled parenting a little person than simply keeping a little blob alive. I know. I know. Everyone has their own opinions on that. But for me, when we have another one, I could just skip to him/her being about a year old, I'd be a happy camper. (Bada bing. Hope you pun-lovers enjoyed that one.)

I'm sure there's more. There has to be, because this is my first blog in like 3 months. But I don't have the energy to tell you about it right now, and you could probably do without several more paragraphs. So, stay tuned. Maybe I'll do a little better at keeping this sucker up to date now. Maybe I won't. :-)~

1 comment:

Male Baby Names said...

Loving the first pic! :)
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