I cannot believe that my monkey boy is 2 years old today! Yep, my little April Fool's Baby. He played his first April Fool's Day prank on his momma when he decided to come in April instead of March! And now, it's already been 2 years since that fateful day. I also cannot believe that I am voluntarily going to go through labor and delivery again in August! (Oh, new moms, what I meant to say is that I get to! The whole process is, um, blissful?) He was just this itsy bitsy bundle of flesh. I remember trying desperately to read his cries. To learn his newborn language, so I could figure out what he wanted. Now, he tells what he wants. Always. Over and over again. Ha!
In pregnancy news, I'm almost 21 weeks now. Chugging along. Feeling lots of tumbles and kicks from the little lady. Adding splashes of pink to the former boy nursery. Buying girl clothes and blankets and changing pad covers. It's fun. Maybe too much fun. :)
Besides turning 2 today, Wyatt also hit another milestone this week. He moved into
his big boy room! No more crib. No more tent over the crib to keep him contained. He's learned quite quickly to stay in bed until mommy says he can get up. It's only taken a couple moments of correction to save us a lot of headaches. And we're lucky to have such a great kid, who learns his lessons pretty fast. Well....some of them... :)