In the last month, Wyatt has learned how to walk. He was a cruiser for so long, I almost couldn't believe it when at 11 months old, he decided to take 15 steps in a row, solo. It's been a couple weeks, and he's already moved on to something that resembles a speed-walking/running hybrid. It's so cute, I can barely do it justice. He just goes until his head gets too far ahead of his feet and he falls over. He especially enjoys these little jaunts when Sadie is with him. Standing, he is still taller than Sadie. When he was crawling, she towered over him; I think it made her less appealing. But now, he's the Master. All alpha-male at 1 year old. Look out world. And yesterday, he stood at the door watching Sadie and said, (albeit with some prompting), "Dadie". Loved that.
Basically, my baby is doing what babies do: escaping babyhood in favor of toddlerdome. It's a fun process to witness. Kind of mind-blowing. Finger foods. Sippy cups. Whole milk. Finding treasures all over the house from the rollercoaster of fascination and disinterest associated with toys and papers and boxes and spoons. It's awesome, pure and simple.
In grown-up news, Ryan and I get to go to Hawaii right after Wyatt's 1st birthday party! Ryan's parents blessed us with the use of their timeshare and flight miles. An unreal and generous gift to be sure. We're sooooo excited. Especially because they'll be watching Wyatt. Yep, we get to go munchkin-less. It'll be like a 2nd honeymoon! (Only I won't be wearing a bikini, and we probably will actually have contact with the outside world.) :) Then, at the end of May, I'm taking a whirlwind trip to St. Maarten for Gina's wedding! Dude, somebody is gonna start the summer off with a TAN. Don't think I've had one of those since my honeymoon, either.
Life feels charmed. I feel amazingly blessed right now, and not just because of travel, although that certainly sweetens the deal. It's funny, because I know the world is in a pessimistic place these days. And yet, at the same time, I have an ever-increasing appreciation for things that endure beyond economics. My family. My friends. My faith. Priorities change a lot when you realize you're not in control of the big picture. You start to assess, instead, the character of people. The bonds of parenthood. The nature of belief. And in those things, I think my life will be charmed, even if everything crumbles to the ground. Ryan always teases me about the future when we'll be living in a trailer, farming the ground for our own sustenance, after the economy has finally completely tanked and the government can't find anyone else to borrow from or tax. And while he gets me all riled up, when I really think about it, I feel secure in the important things, no matter how the future unfolds. So, maybe economic systems are really just frosting, anyway. :)