Wyatt has a few new skills. They're not necessarily "milestones" but they sure are funny. For instance, this morning after his nap, I went into his room to get him. He'd managed to take off his own pants! We don't have video surveillance of the event, so I have no idea how he did it. I just know he had pants on when he went to sleep and when he woke up, his pants were scrunched up in the corner of his crib. Crazy kid. And speaking of strange slumber happenings, the kid also occasionally talks in his sleep. And by "talks" I mean "babbles unintelligibly", but still. Full volume "talking" while fast asleep. Who knew you could talk in your sleep without actually knowing how to talk? Hmmmm, what else, while I'm on the Wyatt topic? He gets more splishy and splashy with every bath. These days, I get soaked when I try to bathe him. :) But he LOVES bath time. He just grins and giggles the whole time, even when I pour water on his head and it gets in his eyes. It's pretty stinkin' cute.
Another big topic these days, naturally, is Christmas. We have lots of family stuff planned, of course. Should be fun, and crazy, and exhausting, and, you know, still fun. And I'm sure Wyatt will get lots of fun presents. Well, from family, at least. We're not really getting him that much this year. In fact, he only has two presents from us, and they both fit in his stocking. I know, bah humbug, right? But the thing is, he's not going to remember this Christmas. Plus, we already buy him everything he needs, and he's not old enough to have a Christmas list of wants yet. And we know he'll get all sorts of things from the family, so he's hardly losing out.... Gosh, I'm really working hard to convince myself I'm still a good mom, huh? :) Well, the thing is, gift-giving is totally my love language. So, even though there are a million logical reasons not to spend a bunch of money on presents for the munchkin this year, it still hurts my heart a little! If it were solely up to me, I'd go practically bankrupt buying everyone I know presents. It takes a lot of self-control not to. Seriously. A lot.
Okay, so then after Christmas is NEW YEAR'S EVE! Normally, that's not quite s
o exciting. But this year, we're going to a super cool party at Brian & Lesa's house. It's a pre-depression party. Totally 1927. We even have a password to get into the speakeasy. And we'll all be in costume, naturally. And of course, being a huge fan of double-meanings, I can't help but get a kick out of the whole "pre-depression" theme. I certainly hope we're not headed into another depression, but to be on the safe side, we'll have to party pre-depression style, like it's 2008! I'm so glad I'm not pregnant this year! I'm not sure I could have pulled off a wayward knocked-up flapper with much grace. And I'm pretty sure I didn't see any maternity costumes when I was looking for the perfect ensemble. Now I just need to get the right shoes and I'll be good to go. It always comes down to shoes, doesn't it, ladies?